Investigação econômico-comportamental sobre a natureza da corrupção
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Orlandi, Karolina Wachowicz
Muramatsu, Roberta
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Membros da banca
Scarano, Paulo Rogério
Silva, Marcos Fernandes Gonçalves da
Silva, Marcos Fernandes Gonçalves da
Economia e Mercados
The paper deals with the problem of corruption by looking at the economic and behavioral theories about the phenomenon. Going through different economic approaches, from Becker's crime theory, institutional theories, and focusing on the agent-principal model and Klitgaard’s view on corruption, the paper discusses the effectiveness of policies based in these principles. The behavioral economic approach is presented as a complementary view to economic discussions. The corrupt decision-making process is a complex interaction between an institutional and economic environment, cultural system, values of the environment and intrinsic motivations of the individual along with his emotions, social preferences and intuitions. The behavioral portion open up the "black box" of moral psychology and shows why people can commit acts of moral transgression and at the same time feel ethical. Nudge policies that have their roots in behavioral economy discoveries can serve as an interesting complement to traditional monitoring policies and penalties and should aim to influence the most unconscious motivations of individuals. However, like many interventionist policies, the behavioral agenda also presents obstacles in terms of universality and possible unintended consequences of public interventions in the process of agent discovery and learning. Therefore, it is important that public and regulatory actors be mindful of their own limitations.
corrupção , tomada de decisão , economia comportamental , economia institucional
Assuntos Scopus
ORLANDI, Karolina Wachowicz. Investigação econômico-comportamental sobre a natureza da corrupção. 2019. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Economia e Mercados) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.