Análise de variações na radiação gama natural associada ao radônio e influência do campo elétrico atmosférico e efeitos meteorológicos

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Oliveira, Rafael Ricardo Rosa de
Raulin, Jean Pierre
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Szpigel, Sérgio
Makhmutov, Vladimir
Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais
Natural Gamma radiation is mainly produced during the interaction of energetic cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere, the decay of radionucleides from the soil and transient energetic atmospheric phenomena. The variability of natural gama radiation and its relation to the atmospheric electric field is important for a better understanding of phenomena like thunderstorms and lightning. In this thesis, it is analyzed the natural gamma ray radiation for different meteorological conditions and verify its relation with the atmospheric electric field. The comparison is done for fair weather conditions on different timescale: annual, seasonal and monthly variations. During disturbed weather conditions it is reported and discussed events of abnormal and impulsive natural gamma radiation. The data were extracted from the El Leoncito Observatory in Argentina from April, 2018 to February, 2019. In fair weather averages, it was possible to obtain a good correlation between the local atmospheric electric field curve and the global electric field curve (Carnegie curve) with a correlation coefficient of R = 0.94. In the curves of natural gamma radiation, a pattern was strongly dependent on the levels of atmospheric turbulence, with maximum radiation occurring close to sunrise and minimum occurring close to sunset. On days when there were abnormal variations in natural gamma radiation, meteorological conditions were analyzed and all events are generally preceded by thunderstorms and may also be accompanied by precipitation
campo elétrico atmosférico , circuíto elétrico atmosférico global , curva de Carnegie , radiação gama , radônio
Assuntos Scopus
OLIVEIRA, Rafael Ricardo Rosa de. Análise de variações na radiação gama natural associada ao radônio e influência do campo elétrico atmosférico e efeitos meteorológicos. 2020. 112 f. Dissertação (Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São paulo, 2020.