Democracia e legitimidade política : análise da crise democrática do atual governo brasileiro
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Silva, Giovanna Nony Failache da
Villas Bôas Filho, Orlando
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Pinto, Felipe Chiarelo de Souza
Matos, Eneas de Oliveira
Matos, Eneas de Oliveira
Direito Político e Econômico
In the context of alleged economic, political and social “crises” of modern democracies; the
approach to democratic legitimacy in its different biases, especially in relation to the political
legitimacy of the representative electoral system, is essential. This study seeks to demonstrate
how this crisis has been defined, especially in Western democratic regimes and to explore the
various analyzes that have been made, both by researchers, as well as by political scientists,
jurists and sociologists, on the subject, in order to better understand the “why” of these crises.
The interdisciplinary character of this study is highlighted, which involves, in addition to law,
sociology, history, philosophy and political science, which enabled a dialogue between the subjects and, consequently, an exchange of information and conceptual analyzes under different
approaches, in order to ensure the construction of a multifaceted analysis on the topic, transcending its legal limits. At once, the irreducible character of several topics mentioned above is
recognized, which invariably incurs in the absence of exhausting its debates and inability to
fully understand its aspects. However, it was decided to adopt temporal, theoretical and bibliographic cuts in an attempt to contain these issues within this essay structure. It is understood
that the study of democracy and political legitimacy allows and inspires the training and education of the citizens that ultimately compose the State, contributing to the formation of their
political thoughts, as well as guiding those who are still building their political understandings
and their own citizenship. This citizenship, in turn, in the sense of effective participation in the
organization of the Brazilian Democratic Social State, would be essential for democratic effectiveness. Thus, this essay soughts to highlight its political and social relevance for the understanding of the world political scenario and, in a more detailed way, of the current Brazilian
democracia , política , crise , legitimidade e representatividade
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Giovanna Nony Failache da. Democracia e legitimidade política : análise da crise democrática do atual governo brasileiro. 2020. 182 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.