Alumni e Endowment: atuação jurídico-institucional de universidades brasileiras na captação de recursos destinados ao financiamento da educação superior
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Padin, Camila Ferrara
Pinto, Felipe Chiarello de Souza
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Membros da banca
Barone, Paulo Monteiro Vieira Braga
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
Almeida, Silvio Luiz de
Direito Político e Econômico
The present study is based on the need to expand Brazilian education at all levels. This study intends to focus on one of the financing aspects of higher education: private financing by alumni, who structure an alumni community, with the purpose of making private donations to an endowment fund to support investments in the university. For the donation to materialize, it will be understood what motivates a former student to donate to a university, and for this reason, the research adopts the hypothetical-deductive method of scientific research, with the support of the bibliographical revision, from sources (i) individual, institutional and legal relationships do not influence the motivation of the former student to donate to an institution of higher education; (ii) contrary to the former, individual, institutional and legal relationships are capable of motivating the former student to donate to an institution of higher education. For this, the study is structured four in chapters. The first aims at unveiling the motivations linked to the individual aspects, intrinsic to each person, when stimulated by social impulses. The second aims to investigate how does institutions of higher education work the relationship marketing with their students and alumni and their respective influence in the construction of a donation culture linked to the alumni communities. The third chapter is devoted to the study of motivational issues inherent in legal relationships in the construction of the educational endowment by the alumni community. The fourth chapter aims to investigate the tax and legislative influences inherent in the construction of the endowment and the alumni communities in Brazil from a compared perspective to the practices adopted in the United States. After the study, it was verified that the stimuli coming from the society and the stimuli provoked by the institutions of higher education are the great tools of motivation of an ex-student so that he makes a donation. Legal and legislative issues in Brazil are still under construction and, therefore, are not yet mechanisms capable of encouraging alumni to donate.
alumni , endowment , fundo patrimonial , doação
Assuntos Scopus
PADIN, Camila Ferrara. Alumni e Endowment: atuação jurídico-institucional de universidades brasileiras na captação de recursos destinados ao financiamento da educação superior. 2018. 195 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2018.