Uma narrativa sobre a formação dos educadores sociais no centro social nossa senhora do bom parto: percepções sobre a práxis e o desenvolvimento profissional

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Lopes, Leandro Alves
Souza Neto, João Clemente de
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Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Evangelista, Francisco
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This research sought to analyze how the process of training and professional development of social educators working in the Centro Social Nossa Senhora do Bom Parto occurs, based on their own perceptions, in order to subsidize the praxis of social educators working in the field of Social Assistance and Education; and how their socio-pedagogical, socio-cultural, sociopolitical and socio-pastoral practices correlate with in-service training, under a freiriana perspective of action-reflection-action and Liberation Theology. Understanding the work of the multifaceted social educator, as he works with human dramas related to social inequality, in order to contribute to the strengthening of social bonds, humanizing relationships and the ethical role of people who live in situations of multiple deprivations of rights. The social educator needs a theoretical framework to help him problematize and intervene in this scenario, dialoguing, thus, action-training-action. Hence the need to systematize the rich and plural formative process of the BOMPAR organization, which for years has been the birthplace of significant practices with communities in conditions of social vulnerability in the East Zone of the city of São Paulo. The choice of BOMPAR starts from four aspects: for its contribution to the realization and fight for rights; the fact that since 1946 the organization has become a reference in the construction of public policies for Social Assistance and Early Childhood Education; the range of subjects daily served – about 15 thousand children, adolescents, young people, people living on the streets, the elderly and their families –, when the educator has to deal with different dramas, tensions and joys of daily life; and the significant number of 1300 social educators the organization has in different practice areas and different academic training. Among the results, it is evident the libertarian praxis as a dynamic element of the educatorcommunity, educator-families, educator-students, educator-educator relationships.
formação , educador social , cultura do direito , assistência social , pedagogia social , bompar
Assuntos Scopus
LOPES, Leandro Alves. Uma narrativa sobre a formação dos educadores sociais no centro social nossa senhora do bom parto: percepções sobre a práxis e o desenvolvimento profissional. 2020. 195 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.