Baú da memória: futuros professores e a matemática

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Pinto, Tatiana Vasconcellos
Martins, Mirian Celeste Ferreira Dias
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Membros da banca
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Cândido, Patrícia Terezinha
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
What are the memories brought by the students who started Pedagogy courses about the subject of Mathematics? To answer this research question, in addition to the theoretical foundation on the educators training and the Mathematics teaching, a “School Mathematics Memory Chest” was created, with objects that aroused possible sensations, perceptions, memories of experiences and lived knowledge, which was used as a resource in the focus group dynamic (Gatti, 2012). The handling of the objects made the participants dive into their memory chests, bringing out marks that were in their memories, which are brought in gradually, intensely and reflexively. It was possible to gather memories about Mathematics subject and the school, with its teachers, institutional dynamics and learning objects, in addition to possible relationships with interdisciplinarity and the possible relationship between Art and Mathematics. The analysis showed the importance of a formation based on the reflection on the productions and the practices lived by the students and of giving voice and listening to what these future teachers have to say about themselves, their school trajectory and the learning that are happening at the moment that are studying Pedagogy. Thus, the central question was extended to the field of initial and interdisciplinary teacher training, contributing to reflect on the importance of memory in raising awareness of positive and negative bonds, which could resonate in future teaching practices.
ensino de matemática , memória , formação de professores , objetivo propositor
Assuntos Scopus
PINTO, Tatiana Vasconcellos. Baú da memória: futuros professores e a matemática. 2020. 97f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.