O designer como mediador cultural na ressignificação e circulação do artesanato de comunidades tradicionais

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Fronza, André Luiz
Mello, Regina Lara Silveira
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Pons, Ivo Eduardo Roman
Taralli, Cibele Haddad
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
It’s observed in Brazil the development of projects in which designers are hired, through government or private institutions, to provide consultancy to groups of artisans in traditional communities, with the objective of promoting their autonomy and the local socioeconomic development. In this context, the circulation of handicrafts for domestic use in the city of São Paulo was analyzed, which was reconfigured and reframed based on the designer's cultural mediation. The research was bibliographic, followed by qualitative research of a descriptive character, with mapping of the designers, observation of points of sale of the products, and selection of three projects that involved designers and artisans from traditional communities: indigenous, sertanejos and caiçaras. We opted for comparative analysis of cases to achieve the research objective. To understand the relationships between design, crafts, culture and territory, the theorists Bonsiepe, Magalhães, Borges and Krucken were used as a basis. To analyze the reconfiguration of the aesthetic-formal aspects of handicrafts, Gomes Filho, and for circulation, Canclini, Lauer, Santos and Appadurai. In the three cases studied, it was noted that the traditional techniques of production and raw materials were maintained, and new ones were inserted by the designers, integrating formal symbolic elements that refer to the territory of origin of the production. When understanding the commercial circulation of this handicraft, it was noticed that the intermediaries and the market control the distribution and sale, operating transformations and displacements of territories that, added to the reconfiguration of the aesthetic-formal aspects of handicrafts, promote their resignification, keeping few products displayed in stores and decoration fairs to maintain exclusivity and practically elevate handicrafts to the status of art.
design , artesanato , ressignificação , circulação , mediação cultural , território
Assuntos Scopus
FRONZA, André Luiz. O designer como mediador cultural na ressignificação e circulação do artesanato de comunidades tradicionais. 2020. 183 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.