Wesley Duke Lee e o filiarcado: ensaio alquímico com jogos infantis

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Pomar, Ruth Blaud
Silveira, Isabel Orestes
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Martins, Mirian Celeste Ferreira Dias
Pilan, Hânia Cecília
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The purpose of this research was to study the lastest series of works by the Brazilian artist Wesley Duke Lee (1931 - 2010), namely: The Filiarcado - Alchemical Essay with Children's Games, 1999. As a large part of the artist's production; it is an autobiographical work, however, masquerading by arcane that the artisan of illusions, as he called himself, transported to his imagination based on an album of engravings produced by baroque artist Jacques Stella (1596-1657), with drawings by putti joking. The works were designed on a rough surface, similar to the cave walls that Duke Lee took as a reference to the Chauvet Cave in France, discovered in 1994, dyeing them in three earth tones: yellow, red and black or albedo, rubedo. and nigredo that represent in the Magnum Opus of alchemy: the purification, the illumination and the spiritual death. Searching for points of confluence between the artist's poetics and his life story, the series is being analyzed on the significance of these references under autobiographical aesthetic. From this research we seek to find points of convergence that lead us to the artist's imagination, trying to understand how he saw himself in the Brazilian art scene and what contributions he brought to the history of art.
filiarcado , jogos infantis , putti , gruta de chauvet , alquimia
Assuntos Scopus
POMAR, Ruth Blaud. Wesley Duke Lee e o filiarcado: ensaio alquímico com jogos infantis. 2020. 158 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.