Nova privacidade no Brasil e os impactos jurídicos e econômicos: uma análise do big data e da responsabilidade empresarial

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Lannes, Yuri Nathan da Costa
Pinto, Felipe Chiarello de Souza
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Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
Carmo, Valter Moura do
Lara, Caio Augusto Souza
Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo do
Direito Político e Econômico
The present doctoral thesis seeks to address privacy issues and their economic and legal impacts in this new digital age. There is great difficulty in understanding the philosophical and sociological dimensions of privacy, especially in view of the great exposure that the media place in the internet environment. This behavioral change raises a great legal concern about the degree of protection that should be given to the privacy and privacy of each citizen. This discussion is unparalleled in the Brazilian legal system, first because of the recent edition of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, second because of the doubt whether the law will be able to solve the privacy problems for Brazilian society without impeding the development of business digital. The general objective is related to the legal, economic and social analysis of privacy and the philosophical and theoretical nuances of privacy impacted by new Technologies (big-data, internet of things, and Data Protection Law). The specific objectives relate to the understanding of the elements that make up the theme, verification of the cost and economic impact of privacy, its legal extension throughout the recent period, as well as the identification of the role of the State in protecting the values of society and the agent of privacy. economic incentive. The method used is the deductive, combined with historical, economic, legal and bibliographic research techniques, with research as a legal-sociological nature, aiming at understanding the changes in privacy paradigms in the face of digital technologies
big data , proteção da privacidade , vazamento de dados , responsabilidade empresarial
Assuntos Scopus
LANNES, Yuri Nathan da Costa. Nova privacidade no Brasil e os impactos jurídicos e econômicos: uma análise do big data e da responsabilidade empresarial. 2020. 125 f. Tese (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .