A incorporação das novas tecnologias médicas na saúde suplementar: uma análise jurídica em busca da sustentabilidade e eficiência
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Nabut, Lucas Coelho
Pierdoná, Zélia Luiza
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Membros da banca
Pinto, Felipe Chiarelo de Souza
Machado, Luciana de Boim
Barra, Juliano Sarmento
Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo
Machado, Luciana de Boim
Barra, Juliano Sarmento
Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo
Direito Político e Econômico
The present work, inserted in economic law and guided by interdisciplinarity, aims to analyze
the behavior of supplementary health in the face of new medical technologies, in the midst of a
worldwide scenario, where the debates on sustainability of health systems are increasingly
accentuated, both public as well as private. Considering the deficiency of the public system,
caused by scarcity and deficient management, health plans share the state obligation to provide
this social right, managing the economic activity linked to the limitation of risks, thus resulting
in the need for state intervention through regulation, entrusting the National Supplementary
Health Agency with the responsibility of ensuring the public interest. Due to the increase in
health expenditures, one of the main challenges of regulation today is to guarantee consumers
access to new medical technologies, which, in general, is harmful to the economic balance on
the part of operators, since the incorporation of new technologies into the list of coverage
impacts the cost of provision. Thus, new technologies in the sector are investigated in this work
by linking them to scientific knowledge, requiring the weighing of risks, benefits, costs,
impacts, ethics and equity. Finally, since the private supply is perfectly suited to the capitalist
production system, the work aims to contribute to the formation and consolidation of effective
legal protection for the supplementary system, effective in managing the system, mitigating
market failures and aiming at ensuring greater coverage of new technologies, and ensuring
sustainability for the sector, focusing on the fulfillment of the fundamental right to health.
planos de saúde , novas tecnologias , sustentabilidade , eficiência econômica
Assuntos Scopus
NABUT, Lucas Coelho. A incorporação das novas tecnologias médicas na saúde suplementar: uma análise jurídica em busca da sustentabilidade e eficiência. 2020. 211 f. Tese (Doutorado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.