Nanocompósitos a base de polietileno de baixa densidade utilizando óxido de grafeno e grafeno como cargas
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Medeiros, Gabriela Santos
Fechine, Guilhermino José Macêdo
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Andrade, Ricardo Jorge Espanhol
Scuracchio, Carlos Henrique
Scuracchio, Carlos Henrique
Engenharia de Materiais e Nanotecnologia
O objetivo principal deste projeto científico foi obter e caracterizar nanocompósitos poliméricos a base de polietileno de baixa de densidade-PEBD e cargas bidimensionais (óxido de grafeno e grafeno), de modo a melhorar as propriedades de barreira em que haja perdas significativas em propriedades mecânicas e transparência. Inicialmente, sintetizado pelo método de Hummers, o óxido de grafite (Gr-O) foi caracterizado por espectroscopia Raman, difração de raios-X (DRX) e, análise termogravimétrica (TGA). O óxido de grafeno (GO) obtido após esfoliação líquida em água do Gr-O foi caracterizado por microscopia de força atômica (AFM). Os resultados confirmaram o processo de oxidação do grafite para obtenção do Gr-O, bem como um GO com até 10 camadas empilhadas. Do mesmo modo, o grafeno adquirido da empresa 2DM foi analisado, e por meio a espectroscopia Raman sinalizou um grafeno com poucas camadas (maior concentração em 5 camadas). Os nanocompósitos foram obtidos via mistura no estado fundido utilizando uma extrusora dupla rosca com teores de cargas iguais a 0,05, 0,1 e 0,3% em massa. Esses materiais foram injetados e corpos-de-prova foram obtidos para realização de ensaios térmicos (DSC), reológicos e mecânicos. Para as duas primeiras caracterizações não é notado alteração dos materiais devido à baixa quantidade de carga empregada, entretanto é notado melhor desempenho mecânico para as composições PEBD/GO (0,05%) e PEBD/G (0,05%). Após a primeira extrusão, o material foi novamente processado em uma extrusora mono-rosca para produção dos filmes, sendo estes analisados por diferentes técnicas. Os resultados indicaram que as cargas permitiram um aumento da cristalinidade, assim como concentrações menores apresentaram melhor distribuição de partículas. Simultaneamente com a influência da orientação das partículas, melhores desempenhos para os filmes analisados mecanicamente no sentido longitudinal foram observados. As propriedades de superfície (ângulo de contato) dos filmes corroboram com a performance dos materiais para propriedades de barreira ao vapor d’água e ao gás oxigênio, sendo a intervenção dos grupos funcionais (GO), cristalinidade e distribuição de partículas os fatores mais importantes para aumento dessas propriedades. Um novo nanocompósito foi preparado, 1,0% de grafeno em PEBD, e os resultados indicam poucas modificações observadas para as propriedades de superfície, morfológicas, térmicas e mecânicas.
The main objective of this scientific project was to obtain and characterize polymeric nanocomposites based on low-density polyethylene-LDPE and two-dimensional fillers (graphene oxide and graphene) in order to improve the barrier properties in which there are significant losses in mechanical properties and transparency. Initially, synthesized by the Hummers method, graphite oxide (Gr-O) was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Graphene oxide (GO) obtained after liquid exfoliation in Gr-O water was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results confirmed the graphite oxidation process to obtain GrO, as well as a GO with up to 10 stacked layers. Similarly, graphene from the 2DM company was analyzed, and Raman spectroscopy showed graphene with a few layers (higher concentration in 5 layers). Nanocomposites were obtained by melt blending using a twin screw extruder with load contents of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.3 mass%. These materials were injected and specimens were obtained for thermal (DSC), rheological and mechanical tests. For the first two characterizations no change in materials due to the low amount of load is noticed, however, better mechanical performances are observed for LDPE / GO (0.05%) and LDPE / G (0.05%) compositions. After the first extrusion, the material was again processed in a single-screw extruder to produce the films, which were analyzed by different techniques. The results indicated that the fillers allowed an increase of the crystallinity, as well as smaller concentrations presented better distribution of particles. Simultaneously with the influence of the orientation of the particles, better performances for the films analyzed mechanically in the longitudinal direction were observed. The surface properties (contact angle) of the films corroborate the performance of the materials for barrier properties to water vapor and oxygen gas, with the intervention of functional groups (GO), crystallinity and particle distribution being the most important factors to increase these properties. A new nanocomposite was prepared, 1.0% graphene in LDPE, and the results indicated few modifications observed for surface, morphological, thermal and mechanical properties. However, it is clear that more significant improvements in barrier properties require a higher load content which causes loss of film translucency.
The main objective of this scientific project was to obtain and characterize polymeric nanocomposites based on low-density polyethylene-LDPE and two-dimensional fillers (graphene oxide and graphene) in order to improve the barrier properties in which there are significant losses in mechanical properties and transparency. Initially, synthesized by the Hummers method, graphite oxide (Gr-O) was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Graphene oxide (GO) obtained after liquid exfoliation in Gr-O water was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The results confirmed the graphite oxidation process to obtain GrO, as well as a GO with up to 10 stacked layers. Similarly, graphene from the 2DM company was analyzed, and Raman spectroscopy showed graphene with a few layers (higher concentration in 5 layers). Nanocomposites were obtained by melt blending using a twin screw extruder with load contents of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.3 mass%. These materials were injected and specimens were obtained for thermal (DSC), rheological and mechanical tests. For the first two characterizations no change in materials due to the low amount of load is noticed, however, better mechanical performances are observed for LDPE / GO (0.05%) and LDPE / G (0.05%) compositions. After the first extrusion, the material was again processed in a single-screw extruder to produce the films, which were analyzed by different techniques. The results indicated that the fillers allowed an increase of the crystallinity, as well as smaller concentrations presented better distribution of particles. Simultaneously with the influence of the orientation of the particles, better performances for the films analyzed mechanically in the longitudinal direction were observed. The surface properties (contact angle) of the films corroborate the performance of the materials for barrier properties to water vapor and oxygen gas, with the intervention of functional groups (GO), crystallinity and particle distribution being the most important factors to increase these properties. A new nanocomposite was prepared, 1.0% graphene in LDPE, and the results indicated few modifications observed for surface, morphological, thermal and mechanical properties. However, it is clear that more significant improvements in barrier properties require a higher load content which causes loss of film translucency.
PEBD , grafeno , óxido de grafeno , nanocompósitos , embalagens , propriedades de barreira
Assuntos Scopus
MEDEIROS, Gabriela Santos. Nanocompósitos a base de polietileno de baixa densidade utilizando óxido de grafeno e grafeno como cargas. 2019. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais e Nanotecnologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.