A demanda por resseguro antes e após o termino do monopólio brasileiro
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Mendes, Claudio Rosa
Geron, Cecilia Moraes Santostaso
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Membros da banca
Mendonça Neto, Octavio Ribeiro
Silva, Fabiana Lopes da
Formigoni, Henrique
Grecco, Marta Cristina Pelucio
Silva, Fabiana Lopes da
Formigoni, Henrique
Grecco, Marta Cristina Pelucio
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
A indústria de resseguro tem provado ser capaz de reduzir impactos
econômicos decorrentes de eventos catastróficos. A disseminação desse mercado
também contribuí para o desenvolvimento da indústria de seguros através do
compartilhamento de conhecimento, lançamento de novos produtos e redução dos
custos. No Brasil, do ponto de vista histórico, entre o período de 1939 até 2007, o
mercado de resseguro ficou sob gestão de um monopólio, justificado principalmente
pelo desejo de incentivar o desenvolvimento do mercado de seguros. O término do
monopólio foi acompanhado por uma expansão no número de resseguradores que,
porém, não se refletiu em um crescimento significativo em valores financeiros do
mercado. Com base no ano de 2016, o mercado de resseguro brasileiro representou
3,7% do mercado de seguros, relação que é inferior a existente no restante da América
Latina, África, América do Norte, Europa e Oceania. Nesse contexto, essa pesquisa
quantitativa descritiva teve como objetivo estudar a relação entre a demanda por
resseguro, variáveis intrínsecas à operação das seguradoras e modificações
regulatórias no mercado. Para tanto, analisou-se variáveis financeiras e não
financeiras de 37 seguradoras atuantes no mercado brasileiro de seguros gerais,
capitalização e previdência. O período selecionado para análise foi de 2003 até 2018,
contemplando assim cinco anos de existência do monopólio de resseguro no mercado
brasileiro e onze anos após seu término, ocorrido no final de 2007. Conclui-se que
existe uma relação direta e estatisticamente significante entre a demanda de
resseguro e seguradoras que utilizam o resseguro como forma de administração da
volatilidade dos sinistros. Notou-se também, com um nível de significância reduzido,
uma relação positiva da demanda de resseguro com o nível de concentração em
produtos corporativos e com o término do monopólio. Em situação oposta, a pesquisa
demonstrou uma relação negativa significante entre o volume de sinistros e a
demanda de resseguro, fato que pode ser justificado pelo custo do resseguro.
The Reinsurance Industry has proven to be able to reduce economic impact from catastrophic events. The development of this market also contributes to the enhancement of the insurance industry through the launch of new products, cost reduction and knowledge sharing. From historical point of view, from 1939 to 2007, a monopoly was held in the Brazilian reinsurance market, justified mainly by the objective to develop the insurance market. The end of the monopoly was followed by an increase in the number of reinsures which, however, was not reflected in the increase of the market's size, from financial perspective. Based on 2016, the Brazilian reinsurance market represented 3.7% of its insurance industry. This ratio is lower than the one presented by the remaining countries in Latin America combined, Africa, North America, Europe and Oceania. Under this context, this research aimed to study the relation between the demand for reinsurance, intrinsic variables presented by insurers and regulatory changes. Thus, financial and non-financial variables of 37 insurers operating in the Brazilian general insurance market (including pension funds and capitalization) was analyzed. The selected period, from 2003 to 2018, contemplates five years of monopoly and eleven years after the end of it. The research shows that there is a direct and statistically significant relation between the demand for reinsurance and insurers that use the reinsurance as an instrument to manage its claims' volatility. It's also noted, with a lower level of significance, a positive relation of the demand for reinsurance with the level of concentration in corporate products and the end of the monopoly. On the other hand, the research shown a significant negative relation between the volume of claims and the demand for reinsurance, a fact that can be justified by the cost of reinsurance.
The Reinsurance Industry has proven to be able to reduce economic impact from catastrophic events. The development of this market also contributes to the enhancement of the insurance industry through the launch of new products, cost reduction and knowledge sharing. From historical point of view, from 1939 to 2007, a monopoly was held in the Brazilian reinsurance market, justified mainly by the objective to develop the insurance market. The end of the monopoly was followed by an increase in the number of reinsures which, however, was not reflected in the increase of the market's size, from financial perspective. Based on 2016, the Brazilian reinsurance market represented 3.7% of its insurance industry. This ratio is lower than the one presented by the remaining countries in Latin America combined, Africa, North America, Europe and Oceania. Under this context, this research aimed to study the relation between the demand for reinsurance, intrinsic variables presented by insurers and regulatory changes. Thus, financial and non-financial variables of 37 insurers operating in the Brazilian general insurance market (including pension funds and capitalization) was analyzed. The selected period, from 2003 to 2018, contemplates five years of monopoly and eleven years after the end of it. The research shows that there is a direct and statistically significant relation between the demand for reinsurance and insurers that use the reinsurance as an instrument to manage its claims' volatility. It's also noted, with a lower level of significance, a positive relation of the demand for reinsurance with the level of concentration in corporate products and the end of the monopoly. On the other hand, the research shown a significant negative relation between the volume of claims and the demand for reinsurance, a fact that can be justified by the cost of reinsurance.
resseguro , demanda por resseguro , monopólio , regulação de mercado , regressão múltipla em painel
Assuntos Scopus
MENDES, Claudio Rosa. A demanda por resseguro antes e após o termino do monopólio brasileiro. 2019. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.