Qual o papel dos covenants contábeis no Brasil sob a perspectiva do banker?
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Torello, Mauro de Freitas
Dultra-de-Lima, Ronaldo Gomes
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Membros da banca
Mendonça Neto, Octavio Ribeiro de
Nisiyama, Edelcio Koitiro
Nisiyama, Edelcio Koitiro
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
Objetivo do trabalho: A robusta literatura dedicada ao tema pesquisado permite e subsidia uma pesquisa prática aplicada, concreta e alicerçada em pilares já comprovados por autores renomados. Assim, o presente estudo tem como principal objetivo é identificar, mediante a percepção do Banker, qual o principal papel dos covenants contábeis, no Brasil, nos contratos privados de dívida. Secundariamente, os achados trazem outros importantes papéis desempenhados pelos covenants e suas características.
Design/Metodologia/Abordagem: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, que obteve os dados analisados por meio de dez entrevistas individuais com os Bankers. Os respondentes foram selecionados pelo círculo de relacionamento do autor e seu número foi definido por meio da saturação teórica, quando novos dados relevantes já não aparecem com o aumento da amostra. Aplicando um questionário semiestruturado, as questões foram gravadas, transcritas e codificadas, conforme sua classificação e, posteriormente, analisadas mediante técnicas de análise de conteúdo.
Resultados: Foi observado que o principal papel dos covenants contábeis, com maior número de menções pelos entrevistados, está na categoria de utilização destas cláusulas como um gatilho de renegociação nos casos de quebra dos covenants e, mais especificamente, na utilização deste para a recomposição da remuneração do credor, em face do aumento do risco de crédito. Contudo, ficou demonstrado, ainda, que a despeito do principal papel dos covenants contábeis, estas cláusulas possuem outros papéis tão importantes quanto o principal, em cada fase do contrato de empréstimo. Após a liberação dos recursos até o seu pagamento total, e no decorrer previsto do contrato, os covenants servem para restringir as ações dos agentes e evitar expropriação dos direitos dos credores, sendo que, neste mesmo lapso de tempo, possuem o papel de monitorar a performance do devedor, tanto relativo ao contrato em vigor como em novas operações, que vierem a acontecer. No momento em que o monitoramento detecta a violação dos covenants contábeis, se ocorrerem, estas cláusulas dão ao credor o controle do contrato e servem como gatilho para renegociação. Os resultados demonstram ainda que, segundo os entrevistados, os covenants mais utilizados são: cobertura de dívida (Dívida Líquida/EBITDA) e cobertura de juros (EBITDA/Despesas Financeiras)
Implicações práticas: Este estudo apresenta implicações práticas para aqueles que atuam em ambos os lados, credores ou devedores. Para os credores, traz um panorama de como e para que são utilizados os covenants contábeis, se suas práticas estão em linha e se são as desempenhadas por seus pares de outras instituições financeiras. Para os devedores, traz o conhecimento de como os covenants contábeis são importantes e quais suas implicações práticas no caso de violação, o que pode auxiliar na negociação de limites e tipos de covenants contábeis a serem inseridos em novos contratos de empréstimos.
Originalidade e contribuições: Na literatura sobre o tema, poucas são as pesquisas que trazem dados qualitativos para análise, além da natural restrição aos estudos relativos aos contratos privados de dívida. Neste sentido, este estudo pode contribuir com novas pesquisas complementares e seus achados com a interação entre o mercado e a academia.
Objective of the work: The robust literature of the researched topic allows and subsidizes a practical research, concretized by and supported by pillars which have already been proven by renowned authors. Thus, the current research has the main objective of bringing, through the perception of Banker, the cardinal role of "covenants accounting" in private contracts of debt in Brazil. Additionally, the results have presented other important roles carried out by covenants and their characteristics. Design / Methodology / Approach: This research is an exploratory and qualitative one; the analyzed data was attained by interviewing ten individual Bankers. Those who were interviewed were selected from the author’s social circle and the number was set by means of theoretical saturation, when no new relevant data longer arose despite increasing the sample. By applying a semi-structured questionnaire, the questions were recorded, transcribed, and codified according to their classification and later analyzed using content analysis techniques. Results: It was observed that the main role of accounting covenants, with the majority of mentions by interviewees, is in the category of using clauses as a trigger of renegotiation in case of covenant breakdown, and, more specifically, in the use of covenants for the reconstitution of remuneration of the creditor, in view of the increase of credit risk. However, it was demonstrated that despite the main role of accounting covenants, these clauses have other roles of equal importance as the central one in each phase of the loan contract. From the release of the funds until their entire payment, and during the expected period of the agreement, covenants serve to restrict the actions of agents and avoid expropriation of the creditors’ rights, while simultaneously having the role of monitoring the performance of the debtor, both relative to the contract in force as in new operations that come to happen. When a breach of accounting covenants is detected, if they occur, these clauses give the control of the contract to the creditor and serve as a trigger for renegotiation. The results also reveal that, according to the interviewees, the most used covenants are: debt coverage (Net Debt/EBITDA) and interest coverage (EBITDA/ Financial Expenses). Practical Implications:This study shows practical implications to those who work on both sides, lenders and debtors. For lenders, it provides insight of how and for what accounting covenants are used, and whether its practices are aligned and if they are carried out by their pairs of other financial institutions. For debtors, it brings to light how accounting covenants are important and what their practical implications are in case of breach, which can help in the negotiation of limits and in the types of accounting covenants to be inserted in new loan agreements. Originality and Contributions: In literature about the topic, few are the researches that bring qualitative data for analysis, in addition to the natural restriction on related studies of private debt contracts. In this sense, this study can contribute to new complementary researches and its finding to the interaction between the market and the academy.
Objective of the work: The robust literature of the researched topic allows and subsidizes a practical research, concretized by and supported by pillars which have already been proven by renowned authors. Thus, the current research has the main objective of bringing, through the perception of Banker, the cardinal role of "covenants accounting" in private contracts of debt in Brazil. Additionally, the results have presented other important roles carried out by covenants and their characteristics. Design / Methodology / Approach: This research is an exploratory and qualitative one; the analyzed data was attained by interviewing ten individual Bankers. Those who were interviewed were selected from the author’s social circle and the number was set by means of theoretical saturation, when no new relevant data longer arose despite increasing the sample. By applying a semi-structured questionnaire, the questions were recorded, transcribed, and codified according to their classification and later analyzed using content analysis techniques. Results: It was observed that the main role of accounting covenants, with the majority of mentions by interviewees, is in the category of using clauses as a trigger of renegotiation in case of covenant breakdown, and, more specifically, in the use of covenants for the reconstitution of remuneration of the creditor, in view of the increase of credit risk. However, it was demonstrated that despite the main role of accounting covenants, these clauses have other roles of equal importance as the central one in each phase of the loan contract. From the release of the funds until their entire payment, and during the expected period of the agreement, covenants serve to restrict the actions of agents and avoid expropriation of the creditors’ rights, while simultaneously having the role of monitoring the performance of the debtor, both relative to the contract in force as in new operations that come to happen. When a breach of accounting covenants is detected, if they occur, these clauses give the control of the contract to the creditor and serve as a trigger for renegotiation. The results also reveal that, according to the interviewees, the most used covenants are: debt coverage (Net Debt/EBITDA) and interest coverage (EBITDA/ Financial Expenses). Practical Implications:This study shows practical implications to those who work on both sides, lenders and debtors. For lenders, it provides insight of how and for what accounting covenants are used, and whether its practices are aligned and if they are carried out by their pairs of other financial institutions. For debtors, it brings to light how accounting covenants are important and what their practical implications are in case of breach, which can help in the negotiation of limits and in the types of accounting covenants to be inserted in new loan agreements. Originality and Contributions: In literature about the topic, few are the researches that bring qualitative data for analysis, in addition to the natural restriction on related studies of private debt contracts. In this sense, this study can contribute to new complementary researches and its finding to the interaction between the market and the academy.
covenants contábeis , contratos de dívida , papel dos covenants
Assuntos Scopus
TORELLO, Mauro de Freitas. Qual o papel dos covenants contábeis no Brasil sob a perspectiva do banker?. 2018. 70 f. Dissertação ( Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .