A importância da comunicação estratégica para o sucesso financeiro de um projeto
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Foreste, Deise Ferro
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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A metodologia empregada para a concepção deste trabalho baseou-se em ampla pesquisa bibliográfica. A pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de consultas em livros da área, sites da internet, com o propósito de obter, por meio destas fontes, o maior número possível de dados e informações que possibilitassem o agrupamento de idéias. O estudo descreve a importância do acompanhamento do projeto desde a fase inicial e evidencia a necessidade de que a comunicação seja clara, transparente, controlada e monitorada constantemente, de tal forma que o gerente de projeto conquiste os resultados esperados e atenda às expectativas entre todas as partes envolvidas: patrocinador, stakeholder, fornecedores (internos e externos). Para fazer frente a esses desafios é necessário o entendimento claro dos fatores de sucesso na gestão de projetos e o uso efetivo das habilidades no planejamento das comunicações, exigidos para nortear os stakeholders a trabalharem juntos, a fim de alcançarem os objetivos Mesmo com as recentes revoluções tecnológicas e da informação na gestão de projetos, as pessoas continuam sendo o termômetro determinante do sucesso ou do fracasso de um projeto, pois são elas que determinam os objetivos, organização, planejamento, direcionamento, coordenação e monitoração das atividades dos projetos. A gestão da comunicação é um assunto hoje amplamente discutido, devido à importância das pessoas para o sucesso das empresas. Entender os fatores humanos que determinam o sucesso do projeto requer pesquisa e experiência específicas para o ambiente de projeto.
The methodology for the design of this study was based on intensive literature research in nine areas of the project. The research was conducted through books, websites, in order to get through these sources, the largest possible number of data and information that would enable the grouping of ideas. The study describes the importance of monitoring the project since early stage and highlights the need for communication to be clear, transparent, controlled and monitored constantly, so that the project manager achieves expected results and meet the expectations of all parties involved: sponsor, stakeholders, suppliers (internal and external). To meet these challenges requires the clear understanding of success factors in project management and effective use of communication skills in planning, required to guide the stakeholders to work together to achieve the goals. Although recent revolutions in technology and information on project management, people are still the thermometer of the success or failure of projects because they are in charge to determine the objectives, organization, planning, direction, coordination and monitoring of project activities. The management of communication is a widely discussed topic today due to the importance of people to business success. Understanding the human factors that determine the success of the project requires research and experience specific to the design environment.
The methodology for the design of this study was based on intensive literature research in nine areas of the project. The research was conducted through books, websites, in order to get through these sources, the largest possible number of data and information that would enable the grouping of ideas. The study describes the importance of monitoring the project since early stage and highlights the need for communication to be clear, transparent, controlled and monitored constantly, so that the project manager achieves expected results and meet the expectations of all parties involved: sponsor, stakeholders, suppliers (internal and external). To meet these challenges requires the clear understanding of success factors in project management and effective use of communication skills in planning, required to guide the stakeholders to work together to achieve the goals. Although recent revolutions in technology and information on project management, people are still the thermometer of the success or failure of projects because they are in charge to determine the objectives, organization, planning, direction, coordination and monitoring of project activities. The management of communication is a widely discussed topic today due to the importance of people to business success. Understanding the human factors that determine the success of the project requires research and experience specific to the design environment.
Comunicação , Sucesso , Gestão de projetos