O impacto da manutenção no ciclo de vida da habitação de interesse social: o estudo de caso do conjunto habitacional Heliópolis I

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Silva, Luiz Fernando de Azevedo
Meirelles, Celia Regina Moretti
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Bruna, GIlda Collet
Galvão, Walter José Ferreira
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
In Brazil, deficiency in the quality of social housing affects the costs of maintaining these buildings over the life of their residents. The present research aims to discuss the main factors that lead to poor quality in the HIS design / production process, analyzing how these factors increase maintenance needs. Part of a unique case study, based on a qualitative and quantitative research in the Heliópolis I Housing Buildings, by the architect Ruy Ohtake. As methodological procedures, it evaluates the bibliographic references on the subject, as well as on-site visits, analysis of the current state of the common spaces of the work, interviews and data analysis. Focusing on the maintenance of the building as well as the economic and operational difficulties arise the main factors that impact in the day to day of the management of maintenance of the buildings. It also discusses the responsibilities that pertain to the maintenance of the building in the design and design stages of the building, in accordance with the approach of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) based on the Brazilian standards NBR 5674/2012 (Maintenance of buildings) and NBR 15575/2013 (Performance Standard).
manutenção de edifícios , gestão de manutenção de edifícios , manutenibilidade , projeto de manutenção
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Luiz Fernando de Azevedo. O impacto da manutenção no ciclo de vida da habitação de interesse social: o estudo de caso do conjunto habitacional Heliópolis I. 2018. 143 f. Dissertação (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.