Redes hoteleiras : linguagem e disseminaçăo nas suas expansőes
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Valente, Claudio Alexandre
Perrone, Rafael Antonio Cunha
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Membros da banca
Riccetti, Teresa Maria
Mausbach, Artur Grisanti
Mausbach, Artur Grisanti
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The first hotel chains were construed based on the standardization, associated
with the 19th century industrialization, and the post 2nd war social-economic
movements. By that time, consolidation takes place in this market and those
chains expand geographically. Subsequently, in the 70´s, the hotel chains
become international. In parallel, another modern concept is developing, which
will allow a new hotel category to emerge, focused on unique and hedonistic
experiences to their guests. This study aims to identify possible avenues for hotel
chains to stablish languages that are identifiable for potential guests and
applicable for expansions. In order to do that, supported by case study, this work
rationalize possible elements that build units’ ambience, as well as influences
received by the action of diverse agents who interact to generate a language,
taking into consideration territorial and cultural factors associated with the
geographic location of each hotel.
rede hoteleira , padronização , linguagem , assinatura , arquitetura de interiores , design , disseminação , expansão geográfica
Assuntos Scopus
VALENTE, Claudio Alexandre. Redes hoteleiras : linguagem e disseminaçăo nas suas expansőes. 2017. 249 f. Dissertação (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.