Certificado de acessibilidade em hotéis na cidade de São Paulo - 2004 a 2016

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Feitosa, Lucas de Souza Ramalhaes
Righi, Roberto
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Bruna, Gilda Collet
Padovano, Bruno Roberto
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This paper discusses the theory and procedures for obtaining the accessibility certificate for hotels in Sao Paulo, from 2004 to 2016. The goal is to compare hotels which obtained the Accessibility Certificate with those who do not have and offer accessible rooms to guests, but that do not fully comply with the legislation and the NBR 9050 of ABTN. The survey of accessibility certified hotels is accomplished through the Official Gazette of the City of Sao Paulo, locating the deferred processes for subsequent qualitative assessment of their accessibility. The regulation NBR 9050:2015 ABNT establishes parameters for accessibility of buildings, furniture, spaces and urban equipment, related to the design, construction and adaptation of buildings. With the regulations of the Federal Law 10,048/2000 and 10,098/2000, by the Federal Decree 5.296/2004, there was the obligatory fitness for architectural and urban accessibility in buildings and cities. In Sao Paulo, the Municipal Decree 45,122/2004 provides for the adaptation of buildings to the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and determines that the uses specified in the decree, as lodging establishments with seating capacity of more than 600 people, must have the "Accessibility Certificate" to prove accessibility, in order to obtain the Operational License Autorization. The Municipal Decree 45,122/2004 strangely does not meet with the Federal Decree 5,296/2004 which requires suitability for public-use buildings, collective or private, without considering the carrying capacity of the building and its use, being previous in 112 days with regards to the federal legislation, and presents no subsequent amendment relating the municipal decree with the federal one.
acessibilidade , pessoa com deficiência , desenho universal , certificado de acessibilidade , selo de acessibilidade , inclusão social
Assuntos Scopus
FEITOSA, Lucas de Souza Ramalhaes. Certificado de acessibilidade em hotéis na cidade de São Paulo - 2004 a 2016. 2016. 237 f. Dissertação( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .