Impactos ambientais no Rio Parnaíba e seus reflexos no desenvolvimento da cidade de Teresina

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Lopes, Lara Citó
Bruna, Gilda Collet
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Lopes, Wilza Gomes Reis
Kato, Volia Regina Costa
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Teresina, capital of Piaui, state of the Northeast region of the country, is a city that presents itself an unusual feature of having two rivers in its urban extension, the Parnaíba and Poti rivers. The Rio Parnaíba has greater significance to the city because it is the source of all water supply piped to Teresina. Another feature that shows its magnitude is the fact that its hydrographic basin is the second most important of the northeast region of the country. These characteristics prove its relevance as an object of study. This river, as well as many other sources for supply, is in process of environmental degradation by both the inefficiency of public policies - observed by the limited scope of the sanitation service that brings about the existence of clandestine sewage, for breaches of the laws that regulate preservation of the river -, for lack of environmental education of the population in general, citing it as an example of this economic activity practiced in its surroundings as car washes, garden cultivation , mining , fishing , established with the research . Soon, the river suffers daily numerous impacts of urban sprawl, the type silting the river banks an increase of crowns over the years, pointed out by this research; urban waste accumulation in its waters; deforestation of riparian vegetation; among others. Therefore, it is necessary to study this issue, focusing on one of the major global concerns since the late twentieth century: the quality of urban water. Thus , this research aimed to study the environmental impacts that occur in Rio Parnaíba , consequential expansion and urban occupation of the city of Teresina, highlighting thereby the importance of its preservation in promoting sustainable development of the city. This analysis is based on theoretical research and field research, to detect the deficiency found points, which hamper the preservation of the river.
Rio Parnaíba , Teresina (Piauí) , impactos ambientais , desenvolvimento sustentável , expansão urbana
Assuntos Scopus
LOPES, Lara Citó. Impactos ambientais no rio Parnaíba e seus reflexos no desenvolvimento da cidade de Teresina. 2016. 137 f. Dissertação( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .