A cidade sustentável: regeneração de espaços subutilizados em áreas centrais

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Noleto, Rodrigo de Andrade Costa
Bruna, Gilda Collet
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Meirelles, Célia Regina Moretti
Monteiro, Leonardo Marques
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Against the backdrop of accelerated urbanization in the world, the environmental and social impact that the cities will have on the global ecosystem and society is indisputable. The notion of urban sustainability is emerging as a key concept of planning in the search for the suitability of the cities to address the challenges of the contemporary world and in the construction of spaces that focus on the quality of life of its inhabitants. When addressing urban sustainability it is necessary to address social, environmental, economic, cultural and political aspects, in an attempt to promote a balance between the natural and built environment. The emphasis of this research is in identify and present the concepts and strategies of Sustainable Urbanism and its possible application in the urban environment, in an attempt to regenerate the spaces classified as underutilized that are located in the central regions. The goal of the strategy is to strengthen the sustainability, the aspects of urbanity, relations (social or environmental) and to promote the ideal that is proposed for a Sustainable City. It is believed that the spaces underutilized in central areas follow in the opposite direction of which the Sustainable Development proposes and hinder the construction of a healthy urban community, sustainable, prosperous, and environmentally conscious. The research discusses various theoretical frameworks and case studies (national and international) that permeate the relationship between the contemporary city, sustainability, regeneration of central areas and sustainable planning. In order to identify ways to reinvent the way society constructs and relates to the city.
espaços subutilizados , sustentabilidade , urbanismo sustentável , planejamento urbano , cidade contemporânea
Assuntos Scopus
NOLETO, Rodrigo de Andrade Costa. A cidade sustentável: regeneração de espaços subutilizados em áreas centrais. 2016. 305 f. Dissertação( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .