Estudo dos sistemas de iluminação artificial em edifícios corporativos: o escritório sede da PHILIPS em BARUERI - SP

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Fernandes, Patricia Silva
Meirelles, Célia Regina Moretti
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Monteiro, Leonardo Marques
Fretin, Dominique
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Artificial lighting is considered one of the biggest energy costs in commercial buildings after the air conditioning systems. The design of efficient lighting system contributes to energy sustainability of buildings throughout the building life cycle. Another important aspect of the project is the importance of quality lighting in the health and safety of workers, directly affecting its production. This research aims to analyze what characteristics lead to the quality of artificial lighting design and energy efficiency. The method applied is the embedded case study, having as object of study the Philips head office in Barueri. The form of analysis is to support Brazilian rules and American on the subject, ISO / CIE. 8995-1 (2013) and the Guide ANSI / IES - RP-1-12 (2012) and the certification of LEED and RTQ-C Procel. The analysis carried out at the office Philips demonstrates a balance from the design of interior design, with the colors of the walls in each room designed for their use, but also for better lighting and user productivity.
iluminação artificial , eficiência energética , conforto lumínico
Assuntos Scopus
FERNANDES, Patricia Silva. Estudo dos sistemas de iluminação artificial em edifícios corporativos: o escritório sede da Philips em Barueri - SP. 2016. 146 f.. Dissertação( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .