As três praças e o passeio de Curitiba: os dias antes de ser moderna
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Rodrigues, Rodrigo Ramon
Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
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Medrano, Ricardo Hernán
Segawa, Hugo Massaki
Segawa, Hugo Massaki
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This work presents a description-contextual study about the city of Curitiba origins, in its urban and architectural development process, since 1853 - the year of the province of Parana political emancipation, until the first decades of the 20th century, which was the city modernization phase. It objectifies to raise, describe and analyse some works considered demarcation in this development. The Three Squares: Tiradentes (Largo da Matriz), Rui Barbosa (Campo do Olho D'Água), Eufrásio Correia (Largo da Estação) and Passeio Público, in their features of creation and importance regarding the city landscape, and the internal and external influences from those who planned and executed them. The methodical design demanded documentary and photographic survey besides the mapping existing in public and private files, and through the analysis of documents and contents, the research was accomplished. The characters, facts, works and historical situations were brought out as relevant to the urban and architectural development of Parana capital city, considered important in the outline of the contours of this city, considered the urban planning model.
história de Curitiba , arquitetura , urbanismo , planejamento de cidades , history of Curitiba , architecture , urbanism , town planning
Assuntos Scopus
RODRIGUES, Rodrigo Ramon. As três praças e o passeio de Curitiba: os dias antes de ser moderna. 2006. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.