Da Semana de Arte Moderna de 22 ao Ministério da Educação e da Saúde: processo de consolidação do moderno no Brasil
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Lazarini, Débora Faim
Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
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Perrone, Rafael Antonio Cunha
Flynn, Maria Helena de Moraes Barros
Flynn, Maria Helena de Moraes Barros
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This work has as its aim to analyze the Art and Architecture modernism s trajectory consolidation aspects in Brazil, studing the period of time that goes from Modern Art Week (1922) to Education and Health Ministry building project formulation (1936), in order to verify what manner economic, political, social and, above all, cultural order happenings have contributed to the appearance of the brazilian modern architecture that would be, in the following decades, issue for eulogious international studies. In view of the relationship
between historical process, it makes an analysis that surpasses by a panoramic vision and that, following chronologic narration order, it extracts distincts elements that have already been separately studied in knowledge areas as history, literature, sociology, arts, architecture, etc., in order to compose a frame to allow understanding the Ministry s episode inside our history time line. Taking the success reached by our modern architecture as a presumption which is a result of a happy conciliations between modernity and tradition, this research goes to indicate signs, not only from the political and economical moments, but above all, from the modernist intellectuality proceeding from 22 Week, specially from nationalist groups, that let the brazilian architects to think about an architecture with brazilian characteristics, different from the architecture produced in other countries and continents.
arquitetura moderna , Ministério da Educação e da Saúde , arte moderna , Brasil , modern architecture , Education and Health Ministry , modern art , Brazil
Assuntos Scopus
LAZARINI, Débora Faim. Da Semana de Arte Moderna de 22 ao Ministério da Educação e da Saúde: processo de consolidação do moderno no Brasil. 2007. 239 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2007.