A verticalização hospitalar : estudo de caso com análises comparativas

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Santos, Ana Carolina Cabral dos
Zein, Ruth Verde
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Perrone, Rafael Antonio Cunha
Bitencourt Filho, Fábio Oliveira
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
With the density of large cities and the shortage of urban space, the right-rise buildings has become the rule rather than the exception; and this rule applies in hospitals increasingly frequent way. Considering the complexity of flows and the variety of processes that are routinely developed in a hospital, in what ways skyscraper buildings began to affect both the architectural design and the use management of these buildings? This dissertation aims to contribute to better understanding this issue through a referenced and comparative study on three significant cases of vertical hospitals, two in São Paulo and one in London. The cases were select from a large list of works studied, and given a set of objective criteria, defined by the survey.
arquitetura hospitalar , hospitais verticais, verticalização(urbanismo) , hospital architecture , skyscraper hospitals , high-rise buildings
Assuntos Scopus
SANTOS, Ana Carolina Cabral dos. A verticalização hospitalar : estudo de caso com análises comparativas. 2015. 348 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.