Arquitetura da segregação: desígnio e desenho das cidades
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Stédile, Janaina Almeida
Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
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Pisani, Maria Augusta Justi
Fonseca, Antônio Claudio Pinto da
Camargo, Mônica Junqueira de
Ferreira, João Sette Whitaker
Fonseca, Antônio Claudio Pinto da
Camargo, Mônica Junqueira de
Ferreira, João Sette Whitaker
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Segregation Architecture - Purpose and design in cities is a study that aims to understand the dynamics of formation and operation of contemporary urban spatial segregation, through its material and symbolic aspects, as those are generated and reproduced. In this study, architecture is understood as a system of relations between objects and voids that structure a space, identify a place, and articulate a community ethos. Based on the methodological course organized by conceptual lexicon and spatial analysis, the research reveals that the segregated city operates from three sets of conceptual binomials that always act in relation to one another: public and private, included and excluded, and, opened and closed. In the first part, it exposes concepts in their positive material forms, that is, spaces and spatial relations that reinforce aggregation through the study of the pre-Christian city of Rome, and then the model of building new parts of Italian cities in the XX century, knowing as città pubblica. The second part shows the opposite: when the social, political and economic forces produce segregated cities spaces, when and why does it acts, its impacts and its relations with the operational binomials. It points out that spatial segregation arises with the modern European city of the nineteenth century, which at the same time industrializes and form the first age of the periphery, which persists in the structure of the city, as a constituent element of its construction, through out rearrangements e re-meanings. Since the 2000s, isolation and separation have taken place through the fragmentation of public life and individualistic consumption, and it is expressed through the gentrification of historical fabrics and working-class neighborhoods near the center, enclaves of the most diverse types, and what we could call “disneylandization” of cities. The research shows that spatial segregation as a model in the formation of western cities, especially those that articulate their territorial dynamics in a globalized network of economic relations.
segregação espacial urbana , público e privado , gentrificação , condomínios fechados
Assuntos Scopus
STÉDILE, Janaina Almeida. Arquitetura da segregação: desígnio e desenho das cidades. 246 f. Tese (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.