Elogios à inutilidade: a incorporação do Trapeiro como possibilidade de apropriação e leitura da Cidade e sua alteridade urbana
Silva, Ricardo Luís
Villac, Maria Isabel
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Kato, Volia Regina Costa
Guerra Neto, Abílio da Silva
Jacques, Paola Berenstein
Bogéa, Marta Vieira
Guerra Neto, Abílio da Silva
Jacques, Paola Berenstein
Bogéa, Marta Vieira
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Within this doctoral thesis one does not walk through traditional academic territories, despite
having as central object of problematization and investigation the contemporary City. In order
to look for other ways of approaching urban spaces at the beginning of the 21st century,
so spectacular, capitalized, rationalized, “intelligent” and homogenizing, research zones
were established. Zones of concentration of small tactics, subterranean concepts, “ordinary”
structures and methods, “men without qualities”. In the midst of so many discursive
possibilities, one was chosen as an allegorical element and generator of effects and a catalyst
for the possibilities of incorporating and coping with those spaces above, That is the figure of
the Rag-picker, a kind of broken and tragic anti-hero, born poetically by Charles Baudelaire,
but abandoned to his own fate, because of his extreme resemblance to the poet. Figure, that
in this thesis, turns hypothesis, becomes proposition, becomes “persona”. And, following its
formative and revealing course (dialectic of a narrative, simultaneous acts of reading and
writing), several other elements are being listed, sometimes as causal dynamics, sometimes as
propositive referrals, sometimes as “mere” traces left by the walk – bodily and conceptually.
But walking through this territory that is agency in a Warburgian mount is not undertaken
alone, accompanied by one’s own legs and thoughts. Walking, which is also one of the
background concepts, is collective, supportive, “polyphonic”. Authors of diverse areas of
human knowledge – scientific, artistic, poetic, philosophical, architectural, literary ... even of
“useless” knowledge – will keep company with those who venture and embrace a nonlinear
reading, sometimes centrifugal – edging hermeticism, sometimes centripetal - throwing to
distant paths - of the volumes of this thesis, or rather, of the hypothesis where the thesis is
sought. At times we hear the steps, or voices, of Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire, Michel
de Certeau, Georges Perec, Guy Debord, Gilles Deleuze, Rem Koolhaas, Maurice Merleau-Ponty,
Maurice Blanchot , Lina Bo Bardi, Italo Calvino, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Helio Oiticica.
At the “end” of the course (a distinction abolished in the dynamics of this research), 33
fragments of scientific/academic territory, collected, constituted and treated with due
heterodoxy and praised uselessness/ordinariness, that present to the reader a reliquary, a
collection of small chunks of speech (sometimes overlapped) that show possible ways for a
bodily constitution, also possible, that make us face the City and its spaces that are necessarily
hostile and constituent of our subjectivity, in a more frank way, open to the hypothesis of
construction of a truly urban otherness. Another way to be in the City.
cidade contemporânea , intersubjetividade , cotidiano , alteridade urbana
SILVA, Ricardo Luís. Elogios à inutilidade: a incorporação do Trapeiro como possibilidade de apropriação e leitura da Cidade e sua alteridade urbana. 2017. 904 f. Tese( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.