Áreas de preservação permanente e as dinâmicas urbanas e socioambientais: avanços e desafios das políticas de proteção e recuperação aos mananciais
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Rosin, Jeane Aparecida Rombi de Godoy
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
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Kato, Volia Regina Costa
Silva, Solange Teles da
Silva, Rachel Coutinho Marques da
Bógus, Lucia Maria Machado
Silva, Solange Teles da
Silva, Rachel Coutinho Marques da
Bógus, Lucia Maria Machado
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis aims to contribute to the discussion about the possibilities of environmental recovery of Permanent preservation areas (PPAs) inserted into areas of the watershed protection and recovery within the framework of the recent environmental laws and urban areas that focus on the Brazilian cities. In these areas, uneven expansion and precarious is in evidence on grounds of vulnerability and risk that both resident populations are subjected as the wellsprings of public water supply are in proportion. In the light of technical and scientific aspects related to the institutionalization of the APPs were analyzed the main State actions aimed at environmental protection and recovery of watershed protection areas entered in the São Paulo metropolitan region (SPMR). The municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, in his piece in the Recovery and protection of the watershed of the Billings (APRM-B), was chosen as a case study, by presenting a set of public-housing and urban policies aimed at recovery of precarious settlements in this region. The methodology involves bibliographical research, documentary, interviews with key actors, field research and elaboration of maps for the period researched. The methodological procedures applied contributed to highlight the precarious occupation processes occur in a proportion and speed up the ability of performance of public authorities, whether by the high complexity of the protective rules, by Government rigging deficiency for burocratizadas administrative practices, lack of financial planning and, especially, the absence of an integrated view between public policies and sectoral interventions. The research has as central hypothesis that normative instruments in force in watershed areas, in particular those arising from the law of protection and recovery to watersheds in the State of São Paulo in 1997 and of the specific law of the APRM-B of 2009, although they are not strategic are contributing to the sustainability of the wellsprings of the MRSP on account of the absence of an integrated vision of public policy-environmental and urban-and interventions that they consider essential APPs ecosystem function in order to maintain the balance and sustainability of the watersheds. The analysis of the case study through the evolution of the process of highlighting the transformations allowed occupancy percentages of territorial occupation over four decades, faced by the occupation of the arboreal vegetation, forests preserved, which may be associated with peripheral occupation of precarious settlements induced by large infrastructure facility. The study of the process of occupation of that territory, characterized by a disorderly urbanization model and predatory – with its environmental and economic dynamics, contributed to understand all the complexity that involves the implementation of public policies, in particular the environmental and urban dedicated to confronting the demands that affect the areas of the watershed protection and recovery, responding to questioning the Search Center. Finally, the case of São Bernardo do Campo is exemplary, since public policy and urban interventions implemented in precarious settlements over the past decade, despite the important advances, demonstrate the persistence of social and environmental insecurity involving the resident population and environmental degradation of the APPs and, consequently, do not contribute to the promotion of sustainability of the water sources of water supply from the main metropolis of the country.
áreas de preservação permanente , mananciais , legislações , políticas públicas urbanas e ambientais , assentamentos humanos
Assuntos Scopus
ROSIN, Jeane Aparecida Rombi de Godoy. Áreas de preservação permanente e as dinâmicas urbanas e socioambientais: avanços e desafios das políticas de proteção e recuperação aos mananciais. 2016. 432 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.