O poço Bento de Magé: o sagrado nos limites metropolitanos do Rio de Janeiro

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Natalino , Rogelio Oliveira Soares
Ribeiro, Lídice Meyer Pinto Ribeiro
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Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
Ciências da Religião
In order to describe the sacred space of Saint José de Anchieta’s Sacred Well in the Magé-RJ, we revisited the history of Rio de Janeiro’s fundation and characters related to the Sacred Well, presenting the main myths of the Sacred Well, the importance of the Sacred Well in the process of Saint José de Anchieta’s canonization, theoretical concepts about water in classic authors of the History of Religions and analyzed the importance of water as a sacred element. In order to achieve this, we used bibliographical and documentary research, analyzing the myths from the perspective of structural anthropology without neglecting the ethnological concepts of Egon Schaden in relation to mythical heroes. As a result, it was concluded that the Sacred Well, that is a landmark of Magé’s foundation, was very important in the process of canonization of Saint José of Anchieta and that the saint and well are intrinsically related to the healing and blessing relationships of the faithful
magé , pajé , Anchieta , poço Bento , cura , mito
Assuntos Scopus
NATALINO , Rogelio Oliveira Soares. O poço Bento de Magé: o sagrado nos limites metropolitanos do Rio de Janeiro. 2018. 107 f. Dissertação ( Ciências da Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .