Feitiçarias e magias: mulheres negras e as visitas pastorais na Capitania de São Paulo – séc XVIII
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Salomé de Souza, Alexandre Bueno
Ribeiro, Lidice Meyer Pinto
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Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Siqueira, Sônia Apparecida de
Siqueira, Sônia Apparecida de
Ciências da Religião
This research is dedicated to the study of witchcraft, in colonial Brazil in the
mid-seven hundred, by Colonial Brazil, having as main sources the inquisitorial
documentation referring to the colonial period. In this work, we will focus on the
analysis of cases of magic and witchcraft practices carried out by black women
and our thematic focus focuses on specifically Portuguese magical beliefs and
practices, having as a theoretical contribution the accounts of the history of
mentalities and their cultural representations. This research also aims to
analyze the black woman in relation to her religiosity. Throughout our research,
we can observe women throughout the historical periods, relating periods and
places, observed in their religious culture brought to Brazil. However, this work
is relevant in the field of historiography, in the face of the prejudice that black
women have suffered throughout history in relation to their creeds and beliefs,
often interpreted as witchcraft and magic. This theme will also demystify the
relationship of witchcraft practices with the cults of Afro-Brazilian religions,
showing the vision and profile of black women in colonial Brazil. The research
may be useful for society and for Brazilian History scholars to understand
colonial society, knowledge about the role of women and for scholars of the
Sciences of Religion to favor understanding of the religiosity of the Brazilian
colonial period, collaborating for the development of studies against intolerance.
bruxas , feiticeiras , heresias , Brasil colonial , inquisição , visitas pastorais , mulheres negras
Assuntos Scopus
SALOMÉ DE SOUZA, Alexandre Bueno. Feitiçarias e magias: mulheres negras e as visitas pastorais na Capitania de São Paulo – séc XVIII. 2016. 103 f. Dissertação (Ciências da Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.