Ética do povo e ética política: Nicolau Maquiavel, João Calvino e a contemporaneidade

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Silva, José Roberto da
Liberal, Márcia Mello Costa de
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Souza Neto, João Clemente de
Camargo, Paulo Roberto de
Ciências da Religião
The proposal of our research is to contemplate about the distinctions of "concept ethical" in the deprived life and political existent between Maquiavel and Calvino. Although both have lived in the same historical period and have been formed with the own Humanism of the time, we detached a distinction between Maquiavel and Calvino found substantially, kept the relationships, between the natural law and the contractual law. Some political changes affected Rome and Florence where Maquiavel was born, and they contributed in your perspective ethics-politics. There are doubts if purposed guides the Prince or the people, so that this understood how the model of overbearing principality worked. Maquiavel composed your political perspective for the discard of the ideal of the Christian ethics, to assume a secularized ideal. Your purpose was the conservation of the State. Already, the effervescences religious, theological and politics composed the scenery of the Reformer. For Calvino, the relationship ethics-politics is understood inside of the subject of the Christian mercy. Then, your fight against the ones that disturbed the kingdom of France and your thought of the King s nobleman occupation, that it should reign by the sacred texts. By virtue of an influence Maquiaveliana in Brazilian reality, is wanted to dialogue with the two thinkers, verifying the dominance form for them proposals, and to discuss as these approaches feels in the Brazilian political field.
Maquiavel , Calvino , José Bonifácio , domínio político , construto ético , humanismo , renascença , igreja , reforma protestante , iluminismo , natureza humana , secularismo , piedade , Maquiavel , Calvino , José Bonifácio , political domain , ethical construct , humanism , renascence , church , protestant reform , era of the light , human nature , secularism , mercy
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, José Roberto da. Ética do povo e ética política: Nicolau Maquiavel, João Calvino e a contemporaneidade. 2007. 174 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2007.