ONG Religiosa: agente de transformação social?

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Queiroz, Ana Maria Cassu
Sousa, Rodrigo Franklin de
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Bitun, Ricardo
Rosado-nunes, Maria José Fontelas
Ciências da Religião
The present research is a case study focused on the NGO Diaconia, which intends to observe whether this protestant organization promotes social transformation in the communities where it is present. The social transformation which we intend to investigate is in line with the new concept of citizenship , as proposed by authors such as Dagnino (2004), and so prescribes a type of social intervention that moves towards the formation of autonomous social subjects, that is, capable of recognizing themselves as subjects with rights and participants in their own social transformation; the creation of spaces for dialogue and political action so as to give voice to those who are silenced by the social authoritarianism that rules the Brazilian Northeast and the promotion of reconciliation between the sertanejo and the Northeastern semi-arid region. In order to arrive at this understanding, we analyzed the interrelation between the religious presuppositions of Diaconia and the political ideology of the new citizenship, and investigated the modus operandi of the NGO in the Agreste Potiguar (RN) in Northeast Brazil. In the Diaconia model of action, every project is accompanied by training programs which enable local farming families to attain technological and political knowledge which makes the sertanejos identify rights such as water, food and health treatment, and to the conscience that they should actively ascertain those rights. Diaconia also enables and promotes community political dialogue and debate, through meetings in the local rural associations and unions. These practices favor the formation of local leadership, develop a model of participant democracy and strengthen the bonds of solidarity in the community. As for the relationship between man and nature, Diaconia works with local producers in the sense of providing social knowledge and capabilities which help them to understand and interact with the semi-arid region, feed themselves and generate income from it.
ONG protestante , transformação social, direitos , democracia participativa , tecnologias sociais , protestant NGO , social transformation , rights , participant democray , social technologies
Assuntos Scopus
QUEIROZ, Ana Maria Cassu. Religious NGO: agent of social transformation?. 2013. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.