Ética protestante e relações de trabalho: contribuições do calvinismo para a gestão de pessoas
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Xavier, Paulo da Costa
Sousa, Rodrigo Franklin de
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Membros da banca
Amaral Filho, Wilson do
Mendes, René
Mendes, René
Ciências da Religião
The purpose of the present dissertation is to demonstrate that the protestant ethic, especially that of Calvinist orientation, can be seen as an essential factor in the building of productive, wholesome e just work relations, as well as in the development of an effective management of persons in corporations.The research is developed from the central hypothesis that one of the key aspects of the spirit of capitalism is the protestant view of work as vocation and that in the original Calvinist perspective, this view of work is in accordance with the sacred Scriptures adopted by Christianity and should generate justice based personal and work relations.The retrieval of this Calvinist view of work is based on the approach of authors such as Abraham Kuyper and André Biéler, while also engaging with critical perspectives on Protestantism proposed by Karl Marx and Max Weber, among others. From our theoretical and bibliographical review, we seek a systematization of facts and foundations that demonstrate the relevance of the Calvinist work ethic and its influence in the development and progress of capitalism and for people management in corporations. Finally, we propose a management model applicable in corporations, based on Christian morals and codes of ethics, in which the focus is on the valorization of the human person, by means of a retrieval of the contribution of the Calvinist work ethic in its origin, regardless of the distortions and progressive secularization that this ethic has undergone with the progression of rationalism and individualism in modernity.
ética , Reforma Protestante , gestão , trabalho , calvinismo , ethics , Protestant Reformation , management , labor , calvinism
Assuntos Scopus
XAVIER, Paulo da Costa. Ética protestante e relações de trabalho: contribuições do calvinismo para a gestão de pessoas. 2013. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.