O diálogo em Paulo Freire como caminho para a comunicação entre professor e aluno
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Matos, Igor Wilson Serrão
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
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Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
Maia, Gisele Gomes
Maia, Gisele Gomes
This dissertation seeks to analyze the role of the good teacher-student relationship in progressive educational practice as a solution to problems faced in traditional education. The present study, performed by means of bibliographic research, is based on the analysis of Paulo Freire’s works - Pedagogia do oprimido and Pedagogia da esperança: um reencontro com a pedagogia do oprimido. In progressive education defended by Freire, the dialogue is a key element in building the necessary relationship between teacher and student.found. Education based on dialogue presupposes respect for ethical and human characteristics of educators and learners in educational practice, to form and inform individuals capable of critically analyzing the social reality and act in the world in a critical, responsible and committed way, with the consciousness and historical responsibility that they have. In this way, the present research analyzes the identity of the traditional school, the dialogue concept brought by Freire and the necessary positivity of the teacher-studant relationship from the perspective of progressive education.
Paulo Freire , educação progressista , diálogo , relação professor-aluno
Assuntos Scopus
MATOS, Igor Wilson Serrão. O diálogo em Paulo Freire como caminho para a comunicação entre professor e aluno. 2018. 86 f. Dissertação (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.