Emergindo das trevas: análise do discurso metal sinfônico em Whitin Temptation

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Santos, Tales dos
Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
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Barros, Diana Luz Pessoa de
Hackerott, Maria Mercedes Saraiva
The present dissertation is based on the area of concentration of discursive and textual studies and inserted in the line of research of Procedures of Constitution of the Meanings of the Speech and of the Text of the Post-Graduate Program in Letters of Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM). The research aims to investigate which are the discursive elements that compose the symphonic metal and to analyze the path that the heavy metal style goes through when moving its interdiscourses. During the heavy metal trajectory, the construction of the association of songs and bands with violent, anarchic and satanic behaviors was constant and subjected the style to be in the darker side of the musical scene. However, fans were increasingly producing and releasing heavy lyrics so they could achieve the commercial and financial success of the genre. In this way, we work with the hypothesis that in the late 1990s a movement within the heavy metal called the symphonic metal arises with an unprecedented proposal in its theme: to re-signify the relation of life and death through the exit of the discourse of hesitation to The discourse of resistance. We work with the ideas developed by Dominique Maingueneau (2008a, 2008b, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015) to understand the relationship between life and death. We investigated the relationships between interdiscursive and discursive formation, the enunciation scenes, and the overdubbed statements in the lyrics of Our solemn hour, Iron and Covered by Roses from their respective studio albums - The Heart of Everything (2007), The Unforgiving (2011) and Hydra (2014) of the metal band Within Temptation. We also consider only two elements of music that are constitutive for the understanding of discourses: the effects of sense of the relation between sharp and guttural and the orchestral effect. The results of the research point out that for the discourse of hesitation to excel, it was necessary to value the theme of death, while the discourse of resistance was highlighted due to the valorization of the theme of life.
heavy metal , metal sinfônico , análise do discurso , letras de música
SANTOS, Tales dos. Emergindo das trevas: análise do discurso metal sinfônico em whitin temptation. 2017. 112 f. Dissertação( Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .