Ensino de inglês na escola pública: contribuições para uma aprendizagem significativa
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Gouveia, Andréia Maria Moura de
Hanna, Vera Lucia Harabagi
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Verdolini, Thaís Helena Affonso
Sellan, Aparecida Regina Borges
Sellan, Aparecida Regina Borges
The teaching of the English Language in the Brazilian Educational System is not very efficient nowadays. Before this unfavourable educational scenario for teaching languages, this study aims to contribute for the teaching and learning of English, at a public school, and tries to make it significant. It is a Qualitative Action Research, which deals with students from two big groups, with around forty students each, who are in the 3rd year of High School, studying in the morning, at a school which is located in the outskirts of Sao Paulo City. The researcher, who is also these students’ teacher, has searched for answers in theories belonging to the area of Foreign Language Teaching, such as the Communicative Approach (CLT) (Richards 2001, 2006, 2010; Brown 2007; Nunan 1989, 1995), CLT and the binomial language-culture (Kramsch 1996, 1998, 2001; Hanna, 2012; 2013; 2015) and the Post Method Condition (Kumaravadivelu 1994, 2001, 2003, 2008; Prabhu 1987, 1990). She has also consulted Brazilian official documents such as the National Curriculum Standards for High School (2000) and the Curriculum of the State of São Paulo (2012) in order to make the activities here proposed be in agreement with the proposed content in these official documents, and also with the books the students receive in the beginning of every year. This research took place during the year 2015. Five different activities were done and analysed with these students. The results had a positive impact, although there were some obstacles, such as the great difficulty these students had, the amount of students per group, the lack of suitable tools and of cooperation from some students, among other things. However, it is believed that, despite all these occurrences, it was possible to act in this educational atmosphere in a significant way.
ensino de língua estrangeira , educação básica , estudos culturais , material autêntico , pós-método
Assuntos Scopus
GOUVEIA, Andréia Maria Moura de. Ensino de inglês na escola pública: contribuições para uma aprendizagem significativa. 2016. 143 f. Dissertação( Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.