O uso da hipermídia como recurso didático para o ensino de poesia no ensino médio

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Sampaio, Raquel Freitas
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
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Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
Moura, Monica
The study of literature, specifically poetry, must find new ways to approach with the development of student interest for such textual genre. Assuming that the teaching of literature and its poetry has been done in the Brazilian school in a way so traditional and outdated, based almost always on historicism and the biography of great writers, as a starting point, this paper analyzes two of the most used textbooks in the literature for high school, both with strong ties with the requirements of the main Brazilian vestibular and Enem, both which have also been analyzed here. Given the established, it is presented in this dissertation a new methodological approach to teaching and learning poetry using a methodology of action research with the proposal of creation of hypermedia poetry by high school students. The project assumed that one must appreciate the character of multiple meanings that poetry is aiming to bring students to an experience of enjoyment of the poetic text and, from then on work on meanings and senses, always having as a mediator the teacher of literature. The results are reported in this work, seek the socialization with teachers of literature, concerned with the development of a critical reader.
ensino médio , formação leitora , livro-didático , poesia , poesia hipermidiática , high school , textbook , critical reader , poetry , hypermedia poetry
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