Produção de texto na sala de aula: encontros e desencontros com o Letra e Vida
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Silva, Sheilla André Carlos da
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
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Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
Marquesi, Sueli Cristina
Marquesi, Sueli Cristina
To think about the contexts of the literacy teacher s training in service is to assume, towards society, a political commitment to the education s quality and equity to all children who occupy the school s seats in the Governo do Estado de São Paulo education network. Thus, this research intends to verify how the theory and the methodology proposed by the Literacy Teacher s Training Program Letra e Vida transformed the teachers planning, of the Ensino Fundamental I segment, inside the paulista education classrooms, between the years 2001 and 2006. Intending to find out the pedagogical gain provided by this program, this work analyses, through the teacher s activities planning register, the proposals of some specific activities about textual production done with students in the period. To do so, ten activities proposals on textual production were selected to analyses. The theorical basis are especially on Ferreiro & Teberosky (1999) constructivist theory; the textual linguistics presupposes broached by Geraldi (2002); the Bakhtin (2003) ideas about textual genders; Marcuschi (2002), Curto (2002), Dolzs & Schunewly (2004) propositions about type and textual genders categories; Lerner (2002) and Lopes Rossi (2005) considerations on didactical sequence to teach textual production in school. To analyze the proposals of the activities, the following categories are used: 1) Proposal of production where the idea to the activity is described; 2) Word of command that represents the way the teacher has announced the activity to the students; 3) Correlation between activity and Program Letra e Vida where is verified both theory and methodology aspects of the teacher s proposals that approaches or distinguishes to the program s aspects; 4) Used Strategies in this category the teacher s procedure to develop the activities with the students is described, according to the proposal. As the results, it is possible to verify that, even though there are investments on teacher s training, at classrooms only 30% of the analyzed proposals correspond to the theory and to the methodology referenced by the program. It is pointed out, as a necessary strategy to make the actions efficiently go to the classrooms, evaluation proposals, supervising and permanent monitoring. Once the training program doesn t exist totally alone, the continuance will always be necessary; and the teacher can not be by himself at the teaching work, because nobody teaches alone.
produção de texto , gêneros textuais , alfabetização , letramento , lingüística textual , Programa Letra e Vida , textual production , textual genders , alphabetization , literacy , textual linguistic , Letra e Vida Program
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Sheilla André Carlos da. Produção de texto na sala de aula: encontros e desencontros com o Letra e Vida. 2008. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.