A polissemia em 140 caracteres: o Twitter como interface entre a educação e a comunicação
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Prieto, Sandra Lorenzo Gonçalves
Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
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Silva, José Mauricio Conrado Moreira da
Dias, Ana Rosa Ferreira
Dias, Ana Rosa Ferreira
The methodological suggestions established by the PCNs (Brazilian National Curricular Parameters) guide us towards a social-interactionist practice, in relation to the teaching of the language as a contextualized system and determined socio-historically as well.Producing a text, therefore, is to act symbolically for the world, producing meaning for the other. Within this social practice, taking into account the different forms of language manifestations, the presence of technology is undeniable, moreover the interaction relations are enhanced by the Internet social networks, especially among the youngsters. Using this reflection as a springboard, this project tries to show the necessity and the importance of the school role in relation to these new textual supports that cause to emerge different digital genres that should be integrated into the academic context, to contribute to a better background knowledge to form an individual to deal with life s challenges. Twitter has acquired different functions due to the current communication that has appeared among its users, hence the awareness concerning the limits and the possibilities of written production and levels of communication of this interface should be catered by the school. The use of this communication platform as a textual support within the Portuguese Language lessons can contribute to a language learning-teaching process, in particular, for the development in the student of a more critical, discriminatory and concerned posture regarding the act of writing. We can put in evidence though, the necessity of a broader knowledge of this subject and the enormous responsibility of the teachers to take an active role in this process, reflecting upon this subject and its methodology to apply these proposals incorporating the social interactionalist theory of the language teaching into the Communication and Information Technology.
tecnologia de informação e comunicação , interface , redes
sociais , Twitter , linguagem , ensino-aprendizagem , communication and information technology , interface , social
networks , Twitter , language , teaching-learning
Assuntos Scopus
PRIETO, Sandra Lorenzo Gonçalves. A polissemia em 140 caracteres: o Twitter como interface entre a educação e a comunicação. 2013. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.