O exercício da docência em língua inglesa: a construção da identidade do professor numa perspectiva autobiográfica

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Ramos, Thaís Valim
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
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Ceroni, Mary Rosane
Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
This research arises from our concern about the pedagogical work of the English teachers in different teaching institutions (private, public, idioms schools and EJA). Thus, it was sought to indicate the flaws in the English teacher training, which interfere in their pedagogical practice as well as in the construction of their professional identity, it was also expected to unveil the reality of these teachers in different teaching institutions and to acknowledge the image they have of themselves as professionals. To show these issue, it was asked to four English teachers from different institutions an essay about the topic "how I became a teacher and how I see my acting in the current teaching context" to, from the research perspective of the biographical analysis, analyze the representations of these teachers concerning their life histories and the effect of these experience in the constitution of their professional identities and in their professional practice. It is focused, in this study, the concept that the identity is a process in constant transformation; it is a site to construct the individual according to the interactions established in the society, the position from where someone speaks, the history and the culture in question. Therefore, the comprehension of how teachers‟ identities are built from their experience enables the understanding of the way they behave over the world and of their professional development.
professor de LI (Língua Inglesa) , identidade , análise autobiográfica , instituições de ensino , formação do professor , english teacher , identities , biographical analyses , teaching institutions , teacher training
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