Mundo do texto e do leitor na obra ficcional de Frei Betto

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Casagrande, André Jorge Catalan
Ferreira, João Cesário Leonel
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Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
Lopes, Marcos Aparecido
Almeida, Leandro Thomaz de
This thesis aims to investigate the Frei Betto's fictional work, starting from the analysis of three of his novels: O dia de Ângelo (1987), Hotel Brasil, o mistério das cabeças degoladas (1999) and Aldeia do silêncio (2013). The first two chapters deal specifically of the world of text. In the first chapter we did a literary analysis, while, in the second one we did the analysis of representation in the bettianas novels. The third chapter approaches the reader's world analyzing fourteen reviews by newspaper critics of the novels in question. The objective of these analyzes is to promote the study of the Betto's fictional work in the academy, that despite the popularity of the author, demonstrated mainly by the numerous editions and reeditions of his books, nevertheless, his fiction continues to be practically unnoticed by the scholars of literature. Another objective is to analyze the representation present in the Betto's novels, trying to observe which social groups are raised the condition of more value. Finally, the conclusion is reached that both the bias of the text world (literary analysis and analysis of representation) and the bias of the reader's world (analysis of the reviews) show that the novels analyzed create a certain empathy of the reader and the marginalized, unjust and invisible social groups of society, because of its cathartic effect, making a dialogue between literature and human rights.
Frei Betto , análise literária , representação , recepção , direitos humanos
Assuntos Scopus
CASAGRANDE, André Jorge Catalan. Mundo do texto e do leitor na obra ficcional de Frei Betto. 2019. 179 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie,São Paulo, 2019.