Na natureza selvagem : uma análise dos procedimentos da adaptação do livro-reportagem para o cinema e de suas relações transtextuais

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Siqueira, Graciene Silva de
Atik, Maria Luiza Guarnieri
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Alvarez, Aurora Gedra Ruiz
Philippov, Renata
Ghirardi, Ana Luiza Ramazzina
Hanna, Vera Lucia Harabagi
This research analyzes the adaptation of the non-fiction book Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, into a film with the same name directed by Sean Penn. The book narrates the story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, a young middle-class American who abandoned his family and a privileged life to live as a wanderer. This work aims to, firstly, identify transformational procedures undertaken by the director in order to recreate Cristopher Johnson McCandless´s story for the cinema. Secondly, we will examine the process of adaptation of Jon Krakauer´s work into audiovisual medium, with Gérard Genette´s theoretical framework of transtextuality, presented in his book Palimpsestes: la littérature au second degré (1982). Genette identifies five types of relationships between texts: intertextuality, paratextuality, metatextuality, architextuality and hypertextuality. The relationship between the non-fiction book and the movie is emphasized from the perspective of the concept of hypertextuality – in which the book becomes hypotext (original work) and the film, hypertext (derived work). We also examine the relationship between Krakauer´s journalistic text and other genres present in his work through intertextuality, and how the genre diversity was transposed to the language of film by director Sean Penn.
livro-reportagem Na natureza selvagem , Krakauer, Jon , adaptação cinematográfica , Pen, Sean , transtextualidade
Assuntos Scopus
SIQUEIRA, Graciene Silva de. Na natureza selvagem: uma análise dos procedimentos da adaptação do livro-reportagem para o cinema e de suas relações transtextuais. 2018. 195 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.