Jornalismo literário e cinema: uma análise de O que é isso, companheiro?

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Santos, Rafael Fonseca
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
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Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
Barreiros, Carlos Rogério Duarte
Oliveira, Ana Maria Domingues de
In the 1970s, a period when Brazil was under a military dictatorship that would last until 1985, many of the freedoms of expression and of information flow were threatened. The AI-5, Institutional Act No. 5, 1968, puts into question the good journalistic practice, which in turn, is forced to reinvent itself to get fulfill its duties. Thus it were not few journalists who ventured in the literature for new voices and new ways of resistance, including politics. This thesis investigates the relations, implications and possible meaning effects resulting from the rapprochement between journalism and literature by examining Fernando Gabeira's work O que é isso, companheiro?, and his subsequent transposition to the cinema, in 1997, directed by Bruno Barreto. The scope of analysis also pervades the elements of literary journalism, especially those of the New Journalism: description, narrative scene to scene, use of dialogues and points of view of the third person. In view of these elements, this thesis also investigates how the written text was moved for the audiovisual product.
O que é isso, companheiro? (filme) , jornalismo literário , cinema , ditadura militar , Fernando Gabeira , literatura , resistência
Assuntos Scopus
SANTOS, Rafael Fonseca. Jornalismo literário e cinema: uma análise de O que é isso, companheiro?. 2016. 103 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.