O inquérito sobre o saci: no jornal e no livro, o trabalho de edição de Monteiro Lobato
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Prado, Amaya Obata Mouriño de Almeida
Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
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Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
Ferreira, João Cesário Leonel
Ceccantini, João Luís Cardoso Tápias
Camargo, Luís Hellmeister de
Ferreira, João Cesário Leonel
Ceccantini, João Luís Cardoso Tápias
Camargo, Luís Hellmeister de
“Inquiry about Saci” was an opinion survey promoted by Monteiro Lobato (1882-1948), published in the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo in its evening edition, between January 27th and March 6th, 1917. It gained greater impact in the following year, with the publication in book format, entitled O Saci-Perere: results of an inquiry (1918). The comparison between the newspaper texts and the book reveals textual interference (Lajolo, 2014) of its organizer. This research aims to identify and analyze the extent of such interference, noting the double work of Lobato, the writer and the editor. Using literature searches and investigation of primary sources, it begins with the recovery of the texts that have been published in newspapers, since the originals letters of witnesses could not be located. The focus of this work is the comparison between the texts of both support and its analysis, and seeking to establish the features and the depth of Lobato interference when making this double transfer. It is suggested that the boundaries between editing and authoring work are diluted, resulting of this process a cohesive narrative where one can identify the presence of a narrator to lead and manage the reading, while that democratically makes room for the participation of other voices, to the plurality of perspectives.
saci pererê , inquérito , folclore , Monteiro Lobato , edição
Assuntos Scopus
PRADO, Amaya Obata Mouriño de Almeida. O inquérito sobre o saci: no jornal e no livro, o trabalho de edição de Monteiro Lobato. 2016. 214 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.