Caetano Veloso: um camaleão na cena cultural brasileira contemporânea
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Protta, Felipe Pupo Pereira
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
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Membros da banca
Vasconcelos, Maria Lucia Marcondes Carvalho
Oliveira, Ana Maria Domingues de
Machado, Alleid Ribeiro
Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
Oliveira, Ana Maria Domingues de
Machado, Alleid Ribeiro
Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
This thesis is presented as an investigation of the aspects that lead to Caetano
Veloso classification as a cultural activist, from the analysis of his career in the most
different sectors of art. In a reverence to what is beautiful and strong in the past
without any disregard for the future, but on the contrary, seeking from it to create
something new as interesting as this Bahian artist follows a trail of consistency
between criticism and praise, old and new, domestic and abroad, the shock and
appreciation, doing well to meet the guiding principles of art as a whole. Caetano
Veloso is a multifaceted artist who compose the Brazilian artistic firmament. Despite
being linked to the context of popular song, his performance beyond the limits of this
area, reaching many others. Whether through his songs, his interpretations, his
comments, his performance and persona as various as his own performance, more
than anything, Caetano Veloso can be considered a "cultural activist", as he moves
properly between the most diverse times, spaces and styles in terms of song,
behavior and world view. Brazilian culture has been enriched by foreign aspects that
have been added to this by an artist who insists dare, even with a career that border
the five long decades, without therefore need to prove anything, and yet, insisting to
reinvent himself.
cultura , música popular brasileira , linguagem poética , artes
Assuntos Scopus
PROTTA, Felipe Pupo Pereira. Caetano Veloso: um camaleão na cena cultural brasileira contemporânea. 2016. 206 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.