Discurso Pedagógico versus Identidade Cultural: Estudo Comparado entre Brasil e Angola
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Moura, Vagner Aparecido de
Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
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Vasconcelos, Maria Lucia Marcondes Carvalho
Pinto, Elisa Guimarães
Hanna, Vera Lucia Harabagi
Casagrande, Nancy dos Santos
Pinto, Elisa Guimarães
Hanna, Vera Lucia Harabagi
Casagrande, Nancy dos Santos
The discussion on implications of ordinary cultural heritage framed in a multiculturalist perspective, leads me to approach, over this research, the intersection between portuguese language and cultural identity from brazilian and angolan students. This approach has been built both by polyphonic and dialoguic listening (in order to give voices to CPLP members), as by close observation in scenario – Community of Portuguese Language Countries, full of discontinuities, porosities and conflicts.
During this research, one of the essential goals have been understood the image setting’s brazilian and angolan over the history in the History textbook in the period from 1945 to 2014 and to verify the influence of pedagogic discourse and the institutional role in the process of individuation of social actors: brazilians and angolans.
In order to get outcome in this investigation process, it was adopted the following methodology: a) literature review of History context in Brazil and Angola, through descriptive and compared historical method; b) pedagogical discourse analysis of the textbooks of History, through the theoretical framework of Cultural Studies, History, Semiolinguistics and Psychoanalysis and c) ethnological fieldwork that will emphasize, through the proposal of discourse analysis model (discussed in Chapter IV subsection 4.2), the continuous interaction between field research devices, the description, the interpretive process of socio-cultural phenomena, with order to understand the student`s first and second year of high school as historical subject in their daily practice.
The proposed epistemological journey enables readers to understand the overlaps among language, knowledge and power in the lusophone scenario. This scenario is marked by discontinuities and porosities, because encompasses ideological, political and economic issues that interlace and provide us a scenario more dense and complex to the lusophone term and its respective community.
discurso pedagógico , identidade cultural , angolano , brasileiro , livro didático
Assuntos Scopus
MOURA, Vagner Aparecido de. Discurso Pedagógico versus Identidade Cultural: Estudo Comparado entre Brasil e Angola. 2016. 328 f. Tese (Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.