O caminho do discurso da Opus Dei: entre santificação, silêncio e mortificação: uma liberdade vigiada

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Oliveira, Tiago de Paula
Bastos, Neusa Maria Oliveira Barbosa
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Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
Vasconcelos, Maria Lúcia Marcondes Carvalho
Casagrande, Nancy dos Santos
Zanon, Marilena
The purpose of this work is to show as the speech of the Opus Dei evolved since its foundation until the current days, having as reference its book-base "Way". The answers to the investigations proposals will be gotten in the measure where the knowledge on the tripod will be extended in that it composes the Analysis of Speech, to know: the Theory of the Speech, to approach aspects semantic the Linguistic Theory, to study the syntactic structures that materially compose the analyzed texts and Social Sciences that will give the theoretical base to analyze the ideological anthropological and historical in this thesis The used methodology will leave of the conception of that the speech is one practical social one and being thus it can assist in the preservation or transformation of the reality of those responsible for the articulation. Thus being, one will search to understand the bases of this speech and its articulation, to determine and to understand the diverse voices that compose and profess this speech and to study the dialogism between the articulation and the society.
discurso , religião , Opus Dei , ideologia , cristianismo , speech , Opus Dei , religion
Assuntos Scopus
OLIVEIRA, Tiago de Paula. O caminho do discurso da Opus Dei: entre santificação, silêncio e mortificação: uma liberdade vigiada. 2009. 194 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2009.