O que há de literário no jornalismo literário?: estudo sobre a utilização de personagens em narrativas jornalísticas

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Santoro, André Cioli Taborda
Lajolo, Marisa Philbert
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Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
Hanna, Vera Lúcia Harabagi
Boas, Sergio Vilas
Salles, Cecilia Almeida
This work presents concepts related to the understanding of the approach process between Journalism and Literature: the construction of characters. I propose that the use of characters is a key strategy of in-depth journalistic texts, as the major report and the book report. I also point out that this same strategy, yet to be properly explored in the field of research on media discourse, is one of the main hallmarks of the so-called Literary Journalism. The theoretical and conceptual foundations of this thesis are based on authors who have works on the construction of characters in literature and other discursive genres such as Antonio Candido, Oswald Ducrot, Tzvetan Todorov and Terry Eagleton, among several others. The main object of analysis is the book Abusado, written by the Brazilian journalist Caco Barcellos.
personagens , jornalismo literário , reportagem , livro-reportagem , characters, literary journalism , report , book report
Assuntos Scopus
SANTORO, André Cioli Taborda. O que há de literário no jornalismo literário?: estudo sobre a utilização de personagens em narrativas jornalísticas. 2014. 195 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2014.