A singularidade e a conspicuidade das cerimônias de casamento na cidade de São Paulo
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Galvão, Mariana Sabino Petean
Giora, Regina Célia Faria Amaro
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Schwartz, Rosana Maria
Gottlieb, Liana
Gottlieb, Liana
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The present dissertation presents an analysis of the singularity seen in the contemporary Brazilian wedding ceremonies. Based on historical perspectives in relation to love and marriage, this work calls the attention to the importance of the wedding´s rite of passage to the individual within its social group. In this sense, it was possible to recognize the main symbols present in this type of ceremony and their representativeness and permanence, even in celebrations considered personalized. In the contemporary times, traditional elements as the veil, the wedding rings and the flower bouquet present themselves in new configurations and in different types of solemnity, with or without religious nature. In addition, there is a larger participation of the bride and groom in the conduction of ritual actions, presented to the celebrant, who follows the scripts prepared according to their beliefs and wishes. Based on the analysis presented here, one concludes that there is an increasing emphasis on the couples´ own identity in the confection of the artifacts to be used in the events. Considering the conspicuity linked to the search for social valuation presented in the performance of a wedding event, the relevance given to authenticity in the personalization of the elements for this type of celebration is duly understood.
casamento temático , cerimônia , singularidade , personalização , contemporaneidade
Assuntos Scopus
GALVÃO, Mariana Sabino Petean. A singularidade e a conspicuidade das cerimônias de casamento na cidade de São Paulo. 2017. 90 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.