O poder da palavra: a narrativa presente na aula de história na era das novas tecnologias
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Almeida, João Marcello de Araújo Costa Lopes de
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
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Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicoletti
Aparício, Ana Silvia Moço
Aparício, Ana Silvia Moço
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This paper proposes to analyze oral narrative of a History teacher in
the classroom. Research has started with the study of History as a narrative;
continued with the investigation of dialogue-based lecture as the path to build
a historical narrative; and established a comparative study of classes in which
the voices of teacher and students are the main element in contrast to a class
in which the oral narrative of a video is the source of the content to be worked.
From this, it is possible to understand that the teacher´s role, especially when
talking about didactic transposition and historical explanation, is essential to
the success of teaching and irreplaceable in relation to the use of any
technological tool.
narrativa , história , educação , tecnologia
Assuntos Scopus
ALMEIDA, João Marcello de Araújo Costa Lopes de. O poder da palavra: a narrativa presente na aula de história na era das novas tecnologias. 2017. 118 f. Dissertação( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .