Cursos de Pedagogia e a formação do professor de creche

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Lizardo, Lilian de Assis Monteiro
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
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Mizukami, Maria da Graca Nicoletti
Garcia, Paulo Sérgio
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
By understanding that teacher training is held within the courses of pedagogy, the present research work proposed to analyses the degree of professor of early childhood education, focusing on the work in the nursery, i.e. how the courses of pedagogy professor instrumentalism in working with infants and very young children. It is a qualitative research, structured in two stages: analysis of documents of the pedagogy course menus of two universities in the State of São Paulo (one public and one private). And the application of questionnaires with students in the last semester. After the study was identified that, in the course of pedagogy menus, there is more emphasis on early childhood education, and little is said about very young children and day care. In addition, there are two poles in the understanding of early childhood education: a linked to care and the other to educate. This polarization is due to historical marks focused on the educational environment. In speaking of the students, it was possible to identify a route that tries to overcome this polarization. Students from both institutions were reminded that in the performance of early childhood education teacher pedagogical aspects are present and related care. This work is of fundamental importance to instigate the formation of teachers in the development of pedagogical work to the physical, emotional, social and cognitive child aged from zero to three years.
formação inicial , professor de creche , curso de pedagogia
Assuntos Scopus
LIZARDO, Lilian de Assis Monteiro. Cursos de Pedagogia e a formação do professor de creche. 2017. 142 f. Dissertação( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.