A história da cidade de Santa Isabel através do olhar do Chico fotógrafo

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Prado, William Jordão do
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
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Hooper, Silvana Seabra
Gobbi, Marcia Aparecida
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The research intends to debate, inside a historical perspective and a sociological approach, how Chico Fotógrafo's collection can help to rescue and understand the history of Santa Isabel as a city, when it is mainly oral and fragmented. It uses the hypothesis that the city will not be able to subsist for a long time only supported by orality. Because of that, the study ensures the importance of resorting to photographic records as a historical source, so that, combined, it can preserve and the non-dissipation of the places' memory. Therefore, it concludes that during a virtual age is necessary to search for a digital media able to organize, scan and share of Chico Fotografo's material as a historical source. Also, strengthens the conclusion showing as the past photograph is disseminated and preserved, it creates a democratic process. At the end, it permits the city historical knowledge and the recognition of people as being part of it, through a experience capable of interacting image and history.
memória , fotografia , história , oralidade , cidade , preservação
Assuntos Scopus
PRADO, William Jordão do. A história da cidade de Santa Isabel através do olhar do Chico fotógrafo. 2016. 115 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.